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Internationalization Plan:
Expand your Horizons Succesfully

Do you want to capitalize on the growing international demand for your product or service, but wonder how to approach it effectively? Have you had sales overseas but struggle to replicate that success? Are you interested in exploring new markets and expanding your global reach? Our internationalization plan is specially designed to address all these concerns and help you achieve your goals.

At Gedeth, we take pride in our extensive experience in advising over 1,000 companies in internationalization processes, where Global market penetration and entry into foreign markets are key. This enables us to anticipate common challenges and offer proven strategies like that will maximize your opportunities for success in overseas operations. We recognize that becoming a global company goes beyond simply establishing an export department. It requires a comprehensive strategic approach involving global supply chain and market localization that encompasses all aspects of your organization, as well as dedication, proper resource allocation, intelligent investment in International partnerships and Global economic trends.

Internationalization Plan

Outstanding Service Features for Internationalization:

Juan Millán

CEO & Founder

He has more than 25 years of experience in the business world as a business development and investment attraction consultant. He is a senior partner of IBG Global and a member of different boards of directors.


Synerjoy (AKA Financréditos) is a Colombian family business with more than 30 years of experience and a leader in financial solutions. Traditionally, it has focused on offering collection services to the main clients in the country.

Gedeth helped them to establish an internationalization plan that would maximise the return on their investment. For this, Spain was chosen because it provided multiple benefits: better operational margins, optimisation of the installed base due to the complementarity of the service and the language/cultural facility.

The firm was accompanied through the different phases: business and environment prospecting, commercial development-outsourcing, physical establishment of the subsidiary and development of operations in Madrid. The results are: an increase of more than 1500 jobs and a multiplication of turnover. We are currently working on the second phase, which will be the opening of a subsidiary in the United States 2022-2025.


Do you want to expand your business?

We have a proposal for you.